North Hill Dental Care

65a North Hill, Balkerne Passage, Colchester, CO1 1PX

Root Canal Treatment

Root CanalThe tissue inside the tooth can become damaged for a number of reasons, such as a deep filling or trauma. The tissue and blood vessels within the tooth are called the pulp and when this is infected, we use root canal treatment to remove the pulp before it causes the tooth to be removed.

Symptoms for an infected tooth can include pain, increased sensitivity to temperature, discolouration of the affected tooth, a metallic taste, gum tenderness or swelling.

Treatment steps

Root canal treatment usually requires several appointments and will depend on the type of tooth being treated. When the tooth has been prepared, it will be covered and temporarily restored until the next appointment.

  • The infected pulp is removed under a local anaesthetic and the root canals are flushed with an anti-bacterial solution.
  • The canals are expertly shaped with tiny, flexible instruments and washed again to remove any debris.
  • The freshly cleaned root canals are then filled to seal the tooth and prevent bacteria from entering.
  • The tooth is finally topped off with a permanent filling or crown to help restore tooth shape and functionality.

If looked after properly, your root canal treated tooth should remain trouble-free. Even though the pulp has been removed, the tooth will stay intact as the canals have been sealed and re-infection prevented. Regular check-ups are recommended so any problems can be detected early.

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Our dentists and staff always do their best to make sure that your visits are comfortable for you. We also offer a sympathetic service that can calm any fears you may have.

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